"The weekend on anger, rage and aggression did a whole lot for me. It has rendered my way of working even more distinct and immediate. Thank you very much."
"Thank you for the broad spectrum and creativity, for the associated principles and your genuineness, for your discriminating and generous clarity and wisdom."
"Many warm thanks for high quality teaching. Doors may open, connections, bridges, relations develop...also between breathing worlds."
"...They are symbols for all the doors that you showed us during this training. Now it is up to us to open the doors, thank you so much for helping us build up the courage to do so."
"I wanted to say again, that the training has meant a whole lot to me, in terms of knowledge, experience, and beyond that especially in terms of human fellowship: Your clarity and „unobtrusive“ care and attention, as well as the warmth and the exchange among the colleagues have been sources of strength and joy."
"And I am equally happy about the fact, that your course was well-attended, offering a very good and enjoyable working atmosphere with you readily taking up issues that need to be dealt with and clarified."
"I had such a great day! Simple meditation, close to day-to-day life, very good! Everything right there, especially the joy at the soles of my feet facing the sky in diamond seat,
the pale skeleton with the glossy cartilages of the brachial joints, and the challenge not to lose mental stability in the midst of highly complex structures. I have been touched."
"I just found the working paper on narcism on the Net. Being a therapist myself, I have to grapple with my own narcissistic parts of course as well, and I do. Thank you for your résumé and your suggestions with reference to body therapy, I find your article very helpful. Warm regards."
"Thank you for two days of breathing in your company. Thank you also for the very unexpected interpretation of my dream. I almost keep forgetting what I know already since birth and what shows up in my memories time after time in my life. … I remember gladly and of course all too rarely. You are a master at releasing memories."
"Just now a mother called to sign her daughter in. She said, that her health insurance, which happens to be the most difficult one around, has currently recommended therapy with me, instead of neurofeedback. Possibly based on my treatment reports. This really surprises, pleases and motivates me, it shows how important documentation is!"
"The seminar has brought great benefits for my everyday work and for me personally. I can already use a lot of what I learned!"
"I am very much looking forward to the next exciting instructional day."
"The course with you made already a considerable difference in my first week at work."
"Thank you for the physical sensing, the ongoing "Yes to" … and for aliveness."
"Your seminar "Breath and Speech" had and still has lasting effects. I want to thank you for the new perspective that the word/speech approach makes possible…"
"Since my whiplash injury I haven't been able to concentrate over such long stretches of time. I was able to be completely present and attentive all those days, without looking at the clock once."
"The exhaling and letting go of the little "I know, I can, …" in those last days has permanently stayed with me."
"We arrived back home very content after this wonderful weekend. My husband was also enthusiastic, which has touched me deeply."
"You introduced me (us) to meditation in such a vividly enjoyable and benign way. The modality you chose was really good. It very much agrees with me and I keep practicing it on my own. It is very helpfull in so many situations."
"Exploring and experimenting with this (for me) new field of breath and meditation are a great source of joy for me."
"The seminar has again truly succeeded in providing greater clarity!!!"